The 7 Corporal Works of Mercy
Dar de comer al hambriento Dar de beber al sediento Vestir al desnudo Dar cobijo a los desamparados Cuidar de los enfermos Visitar a los encarcelados Enterrar a los muertos
Las 7 Obras Espirituales de Misericordia
- To share knowledge
- To give advice to those who need it
- To comfort the suffering
- To be patient with others
- To forgive those who hurt you
- To give correction to those who need it
- To pray for the living and the dead
Los 7 Dones del Espíritu Santo
SabiduríaComprensiónConsejo/Justo juicioFortaleza/CorajeConocimientoPiedad/ReverenciaTemor de Dios/Temor y asombro
The 3 Theological Virtues
FeEsperanzaAmor (Caridad)
Las 4 virtudes cardinales
Los diez Mandamientos
The Ten Commandments are more than simply rules and laws. They are a foundation of moral teaching and shape our obligations as Christians in relationship to God. The Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God on Mt. Sinai after being rescued by God from slavery in Egypt. These Commandments are the expression and sign of the Covenant between God and God’s people and are just as powerful and binding as they were when they were written.
- I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me
- You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
- Remember to keep holy the Lord's day
- Honor your father and your mother
- You shall not kill
- You shall not commit adultery
- You shall not steal
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
- You shall not desire your neighbor's wife
- You shall not desire your neighbor's goods
Los 2 grandes mandamientos
Cuando se le preguntó cuál era el mayor de los mandamientos, Jesús respondió con dos. En esta enseñanza de Jesús, estos mandamientos se complementan entre sí y no pueden verse como existentes aparte de los demás. La primera es amar al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, alma, mente y fuerzas y la segunda es amar a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.
The 8 Beatitudes
These are teachings of Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount in which he describes the attitudes and actions that should characterize his disciples and followers. They can be seen as blueprints for living an authentic Christian life.
- Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
- Blessed are the meek: for they shall posses the land
- Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted
- Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill
- Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy
- Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God
- Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God
- Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
Las 14 Estaciones de la Cruz
Jesús es condenado a morirJesús es hecho para llevar su cruzJesús cae por primera vezJesús se encuentra con su madreSimón ayuda a Jesús a llevar su cruzLa Verónica limpia el rostro de JesúsJesús cae por segunda vezJesús se encuentra con las mujeres de JerusalénJesús cae por tercera vezJesús es desnudadoJesús es clavado en la cruzJesús muere en el CruzJesús es bajado de la cruzJesús es puesto en el sepulcro
Las 7 últimas palabras de Cristo
Padre, perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen. (Lucas 23:34) En verdad te digo: Hoy estarás conmigo en el paraíso. (Lucas 23:43) Mujer, ahí tienes a tu hijo. . . .He aquí tu madre. (Juan 19:26-27) Eli, Eli, lamma sabachtani? (Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has desamparado?) (Mateo 27:46) Tengo sed. (Juan 19:28) Consumado es. (Juan 19:30) Padre, en tus manos encomiendo mi espíritu. (Lucas 23:46)
Frutos del Espíritu Santo
CaridadAlegríaPazPacienciaBondadAmabilidadLargo sufrimientoHumildadFidelidadModestiaAutocontrolCastidad
Cuatro Marcas de la Iglesia Católica
preceptos de la iglesia
- Assist at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation, doing no unnecessary work on those days.
- Confess serious sins at least once a year.
- Receive Holy Communion frequently and, at a minimum, during the Easter Season.
- Fast and abstain on appointed days and times.
- Contribute to the support of the Church.
- Observe the laws of the Church concerning marriage and give religious training to one’s children by word, example, and use of parish schools or religious education programs.
- Join the missionary spirit and work of the Church.