Describe the event in full, including time, location, what to bring, and who is the intended audience.
Describe the event in full, including time, location, what to bring, and who is the intended audience.
Describe the event in full, including time, location, what to bring, and who is the intended audience.
Describe the event in full, including time, location, what to bring, and who is the intended audience.
La Société Saint-Vincent-de-Paul du Sacré-Cœur est là pour vous aider. Si vous ou quelqu'un que vous connaissez avez besoin d'aide, veuillez nous appeler au bureau paroissial au 617-325-3322. Les dons peuvent être envoyés par la poste au secrétariat de la paroisse ou effectués en ligne.
« Désormais l'Église, dotée des dons de son fondateur et observant fidèlement ses préceptes de charité, d'humilité et d'abnégation, reçoit la mission d'annoncer et d'établir entre tous les peuples le royaume du Christ et de Dieu, et est, sur la terre, la semence et le commencement du royaume (Para 5).
“The apostolate of the laity is a sharing in the Church’s saving mission. Through Baptism and Confirmation, the Lord himself appoints all to this apostolate. Moreover, by the sacraments, and especially by the sacred Eucharist, that love of God and humanity which is the soul of the entire apostolate is communicated and nourished. The laity, however, is given this special vocation: to make the church present and fruitful in those places and circumstances where it is only through them that it can become the salt of the earth. Thus, all lay people, through the gifts which they have received, are at once the witnesses and the living instruments of the mission of the church itself ‘according to the measure of Christ’s gift (Eph 4:7).’” (Para 33)
Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)