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Inspiring Hope Campaign Update

Elevators are now available for those in need, and there will likely be a blessing mass on September 8, 2024.

Please help pay for them by following these instructions.

1. Go to

2. Click on “donate”

3. Select Designation: Educating and Inspiring Our Children

4. Select Parish Credit: Sacred Heart, Roslindale

Note from Fr. Brian Clary, July 21, 2024

Elevators are now functioning for those who are in genuine need. Please note that the elevator moves very slowly. When you get to the desired floor, it will take a few seconds for the door to open. Please be patient. Thank you. The improvements to the lower church have been quite welcome although some have commented on the Reconciliation Room not being soundproof enough. The confessor will have to be aware that his voice carries. Whenever I am in a new space it takes awhile to get used to the acoustics. One solution would be to add more soundproof padding inside and/or have a white noise machine outside which are commonly found in psychotherapy offices.

Also, we may consider adding some curtains to the windows to preserve the anonymity of the penitent. However, the challenge is that there are those who have not kept up with their pledges along with added expenses have left us with a substantial deficit which will be absorbed by a loan from the Archdiocese. The Finance Council and I would like to avoid carrying that debt especially when there were good faith pledges made several years ago to have this project completed. We understand that a number of factors have played a role in the shortfall: one’s financial situation may not be ideal at this time to fulfill the pledge; a donor may have moved from the parish or has died. If you can help us deter- mine whether or not a specific pledge will be honored please let us know so we can plan accordingly.

Note from Fr. Brian Clary,  June 18, 2024

The elevator will be inspected on June 24th and then will need a final sign off from the contractor. We expect to have use of it by early July. At that point weekday Masses will resume in the lower church and access to the front entrance. Bathrooms are functioning but there have been a couple of mishaps already. Please be courteous in using the toilets and the trash receptacles.

Also, Saturday confessions will now be heard in the reconciliation room located on the Cummins Highway side of the lower church. This is truly good news.

However, the challenge is that there are those who have not kept up with their pledges along with added expenses have left us with a substantial deficit which will be absorbed by a loan from the Archdiocese.

The Finance Council and I would like to avoid carrying that debt especially when there were good faith pledges made several years ago to have this project completed. We understand that a number of factors have played a role in the shortfall: one’s financial situation may not be ideal at this time to fulfill the pledge; a donor may have moved from the parish or has died. If you can help us determine whether or not a specific pledge will be honored please let us know so we can plan accordingly.

We have received a quarterly update from the Archdiocese of Boston regarding Inspiring Hope. The total pledges made were $742,605.72. Of the total pledged, $544,855.89 has been collected as of March 31, 2024.

Please note that: Of the pledges collected, $394,857.05 stays with Sacred Heart Parish and $149,998.85 goes to the Cardinal’s initiatives for Catholic Schools and administrative costs.

PARA DONAR: (to donate):

1. Vaya a

2. Haga clic en “donate”

3. Seleccione la denominación: Educating and Inspiring Our Children (Educando e inspirando a nuestros niños)

4. Seleccione el crédito parroquial: Sacred Heart, Roslindale

Nota del Padre Brian Clary, 18 de junio de 2024


El ascensor será inspeccionado el 24 de junio y luego necesitará una aprobación final del contratista. Esperamos poder usarlo a principios de julio. En ese momento, se reanudarán las misas de los días de semana en la iglesia inferior y el acceso a la entrada principal. Los baños están funcionando, pero ya ha habido un par de contratiempos. Por favor, sea cortés al usar los baños y los contenedores de basura.


Además, las confesiones de los sábados ahora se escucharán en la sala de reconciliación ubicada en el lado de Cummins Highway de la iglesia inferior. Esta es realmente una buena noticia.


Sin embargo, el desafío es que hay quienes no han cumplido con sus promesas, junto con los gastos adicionales, nos han dejado con un déficit sustancial que será absorbido por un préstamo de la Arquidiócesis.


El Consejo de Finanzas y yo quisiéramos evitar cargar con esa deuda, especialmente cuando hubo promesas de buena fe hechas hace varios años para completar este proyecto. Entendemos que varios factores han influido en el déficit: la situación financiera de una persona puede no ser la ideal en este momento para cumplir con la promesa; un donante puede haberse mudado de la parroquia o haber fallecido. Si puede ayudarnos a determinar si se cumplirá o no una promesa específica, infórmenos para que podamos planificar en consecuencia.


Hemos recibido una actualización trimestral de la Arquidiócesis de Boston con respecto a Inspiring Hope. Las promesas totales realizadas fueron de $742,605.72. Del total prometido, se han recaudado $544,855.89 al 31 de marzo de 2024.


Tenga en cuenta que: de las promesas recaudadas, $394,857.05 se quedan con la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón y $149,998.85 se destinan a las iniciativas del Cardenal para las Escuelas Católicas y los costos administrativos.

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