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Mass Times

Holy Days & Special Events:
See bulletin

Saturday Vigil:   

4:00 pm in English - Lower Church

7:00 pm in Spanish - Lower Church


8:00 am in English - Lower Church

10:00 am in English - Upper Church

12:00 pm in Spanish - Upper Church

5:15 pm in English - Lower Church

Weekday Mass:


  • Monday through Saturday 8:30 am in English - Lower Church
  • Wednesdays 7pm in Spanish - Upper Church
  • Last Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm in Spanish - Lower Church
  • First Friday of the month at 8:30 pm in Haitian Creole - Lower Church
Live Streaming & Recorded Services:
Sunday Masses at 10 am (English) and 12 pm (Spanish) are streamed and recorded each week.

  • In English: after the Friday 8:30 a.m. Mass, Saturdays at 3:00 pm, and by appointment
  • In Spanish: after the Friday 8:30 am Mass, and by appointment

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Mass is streamed and recorded each week at 10am in English and at 12pm in Spanish. 

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News and Blog

November 22, 2024
November 8, 2024 Dear Parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish, As is the practice to promote transparency within the Church, I present to you this year’s financial report. The staff, members of the finance council, and the Archdiocese have been helpful in preparing it. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me directly or speak to one of the council members. There is good news and bad news to convey to you. While overall Mass attendance is climbing thanks to the addition of another Spanish liturgy on Saturday Evenings at 7:00pm and our offertory is up over ranging from 4%-15% when compared to the same week last year, we are still running at a substantial deficit. In recent weeks, we have eliminated a staff position, cut back on weekend office hours, and household expenses. The reality is that we are relying upon parish savings to operate, and our expenses far outweigh our income. It is just like running a household, and it is not financially feasible for our future for the drain to continue at this rate. As has been the case in the last two years, you will be hearing how we can all support a spiritual home within the next few weeks. I ask that you begin to discern in your heart how you will help Sacred Heart this next year. Gratefully yours in Christ, Father Brian Clary Pastor Parish Finance Report 2024 School FInance Report 2024
June 22, 2024
Elevators are now available for those in need, and there will likely be a blessing mass on September 8, 2024. Please help pay for them by following these instructions. 1. Go to www.inspiringhopecampaign.org 2. Click on “donate” 3. Select Designation: Educating and Inspiring Our Children 4. Select Parish Credit: Sacred Heart, Roslindale Note from Fr. Brian Clary, July 21, 2024 Elevators are now functioning for those who are in genuine need. Please note that the elevator moves very slowly. When you get to the desired floor, it will take a few seconds for the door to open. Please be patient. Thank you. The improvements to the lower church have been quite welcome although some have commented on the Reconciliation Room not being soundproof enough. The confessor will have to be aware that his voice carries. Whenever I am in a new space it takes awhile to get used to the acoustics. One solution would be to add more soundproof padding inside and/or have a white noise machine outside which are commonly found in psychotherapy offices. 
Also, we may consider adding some curtains to the windows to preserve the anonymity of the penitent. However, the challenge is that there are those who have not kept up with their pledges along with added expenses have left us with a substantial deficit which will be absorbed by a loan from the Archdiocese. The Finance Council and I would like to avoid carrying that debt especially when there were good faith pledges made several years ago to have this project completed. We understand that a number of factors have played a role in the shortfall: one’s financial situation may not be ideal at this time to fulfill the pledge; a donor may have moved from the parish or has died. If you can help us deter- mine whether or not a specific pledge will be honored please let us know so we can plan accordingly. Note from Fr. Brian Clary, June 18, 2024 The elevator will be inspected on June 24th and then will need a final sign off from the contractor. We expect to have use of it by early July. At that point weekday Masses will resume in the lower church and access to the front entrance. Bathrooms are functioning but there have been a couple of mishaps already. Please be courteous in using the toilets and the trash receptacles. Also, Saturday confessions will now be heard in the reconciliation room located on the Cummins Highway side of the lower church. This is truly good news. However, the challenge is that there are those who have not kept up with their pledges along with added expenses have left us with a substantial deficit which will be absorbed by a loan from the Archdiocese. The Finance Council and I would like to avoid carrying that debt especially when there were good faith pledges made several years ago to have this project completed. We understand that a number of factors have played a role in the shortfall: one’s financial situation may not be ideal at this time to fulfill the pledge; a donor may have moved from the parish or has died. If you can help us determine whether or not a specific pledge will be honored please let us know so we can plan accordingly. We have received a quarterly update from the Archdiocese of Boston regarding Inspiring Hope. The total pledges made were $742,605.72 . Of the total pledged, $544,855.89 has been collected as of March 31, 2024. Please note that: Of the pledges collected, $394,857.05 stays with Sacred Heart Parish and $149,998.85 goes to the Cardinal’s initiatives for Catholic Schools and administrative costs.
February 17, 2024
Please click on the link to watch a brief message from Cardinal Sean O'Malley on the Catholic Appeal. This year’s theme, “Forward in Faith” unites us in our belief that God is good, loves us and has a plan. The Catholic Appeal allows us to serve as an integral part of that plan, embracing our neighbors in need ad accompanying them forward through their challenges and crosses. Please donate and under parish credit, select "Sacred Heart, Roslindale"
November 18, 2023
November 18, 2023 Dear Parishioners of Sacred Heart, Enclosed are the annual financial reports for the Parish and the School. Transparency and accountability are what guide our lives together as disciples of the Lord. I am grateful for the staff and members of the Finance Council and School Committee for their advice and counsel throughout the past fiscal year and as we planned for the next one. Feel free to contact any of them for further questions or clarifications. You will notice that we are operating at a deficit which is concerning. However, in the coming weeks you will hear again from the pulpit and the mail on how we support Sacred Heart with our annual Increased Giving Program. Last year's pledges and increase were the start of a healthy trend in the right direction. May the Lord touch your hearts to help support your spiritual home. God Bless, Father Brian Clary Pastor Financial Letter 2023 Financial Report 2023

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St. Vincent de Paul
The St. Vincent de Paul Society at Sacred Heart is here to help. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please call us at the parish office 617-325-3322. Donations can be mailed to the parish office or made online.

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